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e t h i c a l l y   p r o d u c e d

f i n e   m e a t s   &   e g g s

+  r e g i s t e r e d   l i v e s t o c k

N P I P   C E R T I F I E D   /   O D A   L I C E N S E D


a d g a   n i g e r i a n   d w a r f   d a i r y   g o a t s

a r b a   n e w   z e a l a n d   w h i t e   r a b b i t    +   n p i p   p o u l t r y


B E N D   /    O R E G O N

We raise ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats for show, milk production and family pets. Our goal is to produce goats that are structurally correct with high dairy production and sweet dispositions. We are members of the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA), and participate in ADGA performance programs. Our herd is tested annually CAE/CL/Johnes free; last negative test 2023 (WADDL).


We are proud to be a National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) Certified and ODA licensed farm offering ethically and sustainably produced fine meats, eggs & quality livestock. We produce Celadon and Jumbo Coturnix quail, French Toulouse and Embden geese, Black Ameraucana, French Black Maran and Splash Silkie Chickens, and American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) New Zealand White rabbits.

We offer a 4-H and FFA discount on all of our goats, rabbits and poultry.
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